Claudia Di Giorgio descrive il sito de Le Scienze alle Journées Curien di Nancy
La swimmer Claudia Di Giorgio, managing editor del mensile “Le Scienze”, sarà la prossima settimana al congresso di Nancy sulla comunicazione della scienza (International Conference on Science Communication, “Journées Hubert Curien”), dove il giorno 5 settembre illustrerà il lavoro che ha portato alla realizzazione del nuovo sito della rivista.
Ecco l’abstract del suo intervento:
We will present a a novel approach of information architecture used in the design of the new website of Le Scienze, Italian edition of Scientific American. To reduce the editorial effort, we had to find a connection architecture that could correlate, aggregate and filter contents both manually and automatically. We choose to hold together the contents only on tags defined by the editors, developing a dynamic taxonomy, scalable and adaptable. Tags offer the system a semantic base for mashing up automatic correlations within contents. As the tag set is a visible form of the editorial schedule, listing the subjects the magazine editors will deal with and with which degree of definition, building its list was an opportunity to discuss and rethink our approach to science communication. Such a “liquid” taxonomy led us to remove the classic “menu à la carte” approach (everything the chef can cook) in favor of an editorial one (what the chef recommends today). This solution allows to create quickly and effortlessly new pages of aggregated content when current events require it.
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