The programme of the Erice School 2013 on Cognitive Neuroscience is online

fabiola-gianotti-time-258Fabiola Gianotti, with her discovery of the Higgs particle at CERN, will be a special guest of this year’s course at the Erice International School of Science Journalism, devoted to Magnetic Resonance and Cognitive Neuroscience.

Other speakers include: Arno Villringer (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science), Barbara Bottalico (Neuroscience and Law Uni Pavia), Beatrice Mautino (Codice/Genoa Science Festival), Connie StLouis (BBC, City University London), Daniela Ovadia (Agency Zoe/Niguarda Hospital), Federico Giove (Centro Fermi), Fred Balvert (Erasmus MC), John Womersley (UK Science and Technology Facilities Council), Marco Cattaneo (Le Scienze/Mente&Cervello), Mo Costandi (Neurophilosophy/The Guardian), Nicla Panciera (CIMEC), Silvia Bencivelli (RAI), Souad Zgaoui (Erasmus MC).

The preliminary programme – designed by Course Directors Umberto Dosselli (INFN-LNF) and Fabio Turone (President of Science Writers in Italy) – is available in the website of the Erice School, along with the instructions to apply to one of the 30 fellowships covering fee, travel and accomodation.

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