Ricca presenza alla Balkan Science Journalism School di Belgrado (3-5 ottobre)

Il Presidente di Swim Fabio Turone è tra i promotori della prima edizione della Summer School di giornalismo scientifico promossa dall’Ufficio UNESCO di Venezia (sotto la direzione di Mario Scalet, Head of Science Unit, e con il coordinamento di  Rosanna Santesso, Assistant Programme Specialist), cui parteciperanno anche la swimmer Daniela Ovadia e il direttore delle Scienze Marco Cattaneo.

Call for participation: South-East European Science Journalism School (Deadline: 8 September 2013)

The UNESCO Venice Office is pleased to announce a specialized SEE regional interactive school on science journalism will be conducted in parallel with the 1st Regional Science Promotion Conference in Belgrade, Serbia from Thursday 3 October to Saturday 5 October 2013.

This school is oriented towards improving the quality and quantity of ethical science reporting by the SEE media and will contribute to increasing public awareness on the importance of scientific knowledge and towards developing a critical science journalism culture in SEE.

International science media experts and science reporters from the SEE Region will be offered an opportunity to share and exchange information and data as well as laying the foundations to establish a regional forum/network to discuss emerging ideas and plans relevant to better societal understanding of science and technology.

The SEE Regional school will be focusing on developing participants’ skills in:

  • Critically reflecting and reporting on scientific results
  • Understanding the related media mechanisms
  • Communicating with non-scientific public

And cover the following topics:

  • How to improve the quality of science reporting and avoid pseudo-science?
  • How to build and maintain trust between science and journalism.
  • The watchdog role of journalism. Rebuilding public trust in science.
  • Dealing with uncertainty and risk.

The official working language of the school is English.

Target Audience

  • Science journalists and media communicators from the SEE Region
  • Press officers and communication officers of international organizations, agencies and institutions active in science communication
  • Scientists and researchers

No registration fees for the school will be requested. Travel costs should be ensured by the participants.

The UNESCO Venice Office will offer a limited number of participation grants. The maximum number of school participants will be 25 persons. Upon successful completion of the school, participants will be issued an official certificate of attendance.

I dettagli e il programma preliminare sono disponibili nei siti della Summer School di giornalismo scientifico e dell’Ufficio UNESCO di Venezia

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