Aperta la call per la conferenza mondiale WCSJ2017

La decima conferenza mondiale dei giornalisti scientifici (10th World Conference of Science Journalists, WCSJ2017), che si svolgerà a San Francisco, in California, tra il 26 e il 30 ottobre del 2017, ha iniziato a raccogliere le proposte per le sessioni del programma scientifico, “by science writers, for science writers”.

We need your help to ensure that the conference program represents your interests. The WCSJ2017 Program Committee invites all science writers to submit expertly crafted proposals that consider professional development and scientific issues from an international perspective.

Schermata 2016-05-24 alle 22.20.44

The conference theme, “Bridging Science and Societies,” reflects the vital role science journalists play in connecting audiences to the science that affects their lives. Proposals touching on the following sub-themes are encouraged:

Climate and environment
Infectious disease
Expanding the science journalist’s toolkit
Science history and ethics
The new world of gene editing
Journalistic integrity and media manipulation
The future of journalism
International science

Technology and innovation
Access to information
Global health challenges

La scadenza per l’invio delle proposte è il 30 settembre  2016.

Tutti i dettagli, con il link al modulo per inviare le proposte, sono alla pagina

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