Switzerland, France and Italy join forces to host the 2019 World Conference

The national science journalists’ associations of Switzerland, France and Italy announced their joint proposal for hosting the World Conference of Science Journalists, WCSJ, on 1 – 5 July 2019 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

«Our utmost priority is to bring together professionals and students in science journalism and writing from all over the world in order to exchange ideas and skills, to build networks and hence to foster quality science journalism and collaborations on a global scale» the Presidents of SASJ, AJSPI and SWIM announce in the newly launched website «It’s exactly this collaborative approach which distinguishes our region. Particularly in Lausanne, with France just a short boat ride away and Italy not far beyond, cultures and languages meet, ideas are exchanged, and people of all backgrounds work, play and make plans for a brighter future together».

The proposal is being finalised, and includes – in addition to the a rich programme in Lausanne and Geneva around the theme of the mountain – a long list of post-conference trips all around Europe, including France, Italy, Germany and Russia. The organisers also opened a Facebook page ( to receive feedback and suggestions from science journalists from all over the world.

CERN, the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne and the Universities of Lausanne and Geneva are the main academic sponsors.

The World Conference organised biannually by the World Federation of Science Journalists brings together science journalists and communicators from all over the world to learn from each other and share best practices across their discipline internationally. Since the first WCSJ, staged in Tokyo 1992, the conference developed into a core pillar for the advancement of international science journalism.

The next WCSJ will be held from 26th to 30th October 2017 in San Francisco.

The conference programme reflects current issues affecting the profession of science journalism, including new journalistic technologies and approaches, developments in the media, science and industry landscapes as well as trends in storytelling and reporting. By advancing the worldwide community‘s professional skills, the conference ensures that science issues are intelligently communicated to society as a whole.

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