Articoli di Swim

Cosmo riparte stasera (RaiTre, ore 23:35) con Silvia Bencivelli

27 Marzo 2011 // 0 Commenti

Dopo una serie di modifiche seguite alla puntata pilota che pure aveva avuto un buon successo, riparte stasera alle ore 23:35 su RaiTre l’interessante trasmissione di scienza “Cosmo”, diretta da Barbara Serra, con la “nostra” inviata Silvia Bencivelli cui vanno i migliori auguri di [... segue]

SWIM is now part of EUSJA

19 Marzo 2011 // 1 Commento

The board of Science Writers in Italy is proud to annouce that the association has become a member of the European Union of Science Journalists Associations, [... segue]

WCSJ2011 Moves to Doha, Qatar June 27 to 29, 2011

3 Marzo 2011 // 0 Commenti

Here is the official statement by our friend Nadia El-Awady about the decision of moving the World Conference of Science Journalists from Cairo to Doha, published on the website of the WFSJ Cairo has been witness to very exciting times in the past few weeks and Egypt has now started the inspiring but demanding process of birthing a new democracy. This will take time and a lot of vigilance and hard work on the part of the Egyptian people. Doha, Qatar The organizers of the World Conference of Science Journalists 2011 had to come to the very [... segue]

Scrivi di scienza? Vieni al nostro Swink a bere un goccio!

3 Marzo 2011 // 2 Commenti

L’associazione ha deciso di indire a cadenza mensile un aperitivo per gli iscritti, amici, simpatizzanti e semplici curiosi in un accogliente locale in centro a Milano, il Tombon de San Marc, in Via San Marco 20 (zona Brera). Una elaborata consultazione online ha portato a battezzare questo incontro con l’originale nome Swink, con un ardito gioco di parole che evoca l’aperitivo e l’inchiostro, il link e l’occhiolino con una spruzzatina di science writing. Chiunque sia interessato a conoscerci e voglia scambiare [... segue]

Solidarity to our colleagues in Egypt

9 Febbraio 2011 // 0 Commenti

Today we left this message on the page of the website of the World Federation of Science Journalists dedicated to “Our friends in Egypt”: Solidarity from Italy posted on February 9, 2011 by  Fabio Turone – Science Writers in Italy I wish to express the solidarity of all the members of Science Writers in Italy to all colleagues in Egypt fighting for their voices, and the voices of Egyptian people, to be heard. We hope we’ll meet soon in a fully pacified Cairo – in the name of democracy – for the World [... segue]

From the WFSJ: Statement on the Cairo 2011 Conference

3 Febbraio 2011 // 0 Commenti

The board of Science Writers in Italy totally agrees with the statements published yesterday by the World Federation of Science Journalists: The Board of the World Federation of Science Journalists applauds the steps taken by their Arab colleagues towards democracy and expresses its full confidence that they will succeed and that on the 27th June 2011, the opening day of the 7th World Conference of Science Journalists in Cairo, hundreds of colleagues from all over the world will join them to celebrate greater freedom in the region. Please, [... segue]
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