Matteo Serra vince il Premio SWIM 2023, Lidia Scognamiglio riceve la menzione

24 Luglio 2023 // 0 Commenti

La giuria del Premio SWIM2023 per l’eccellenza nel giornalismo scientifico ha deciso di premiare Matteo Serra, per i suoi articoli pubblicati su “Le Scienze”, e di assegnare una menzione speciale a Lidia Scognamiglio, che si è candidata con tre servizi televisivi per il TG2-Medicina33. Serra riceverà quindi la somma di 1.000 euro, e sarà il candidato italiano al premio europeo indetto dalle European Federation for Science Journalism (i suoi articoli sono stati tradotti in inglese a cura e spese dell’associazione), [... segue]

Spark me up, science journalist!

27 Luglio 2021 // 0 Commenti

Science Writers in Italy joined forces with the Swiss Association of Science Journalists (SASJ) and the French Association des journalistes scientifiques dans la presse d’information (AJSPI), with whom it organised the Lausanne World Conference of Science Journalism WCSJ2019, and with the National Association of Science Writers (NASW, United States), and the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW) who organised the previous global gathering in San Francisco in 2017, to support the brand new Spark Grant Initiative.  The [... segue]

Women in science: an experiment of reversed Finkbeiner test

12 Febbraio 2021 // 0 Commenti

For the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Elisa Nichelli, Public Outreach Officer of the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), oganised a smart prank. She used the “Finkbeiner test”, which was proposed as a tool to avoid sexism in profiles of women scientists, to interview four male scientists on their life as husbands and fathers. Many have laughed and probably have learned something. Others – especially in Twitter – have reacted very, very badly. We asked Elisa to tell us how it went. (Fabio Turone)   [... segue]

La disinformazione scientifica, e le colpe dell’Ordine dei giornalisti

22 Dicembre 2020 // 0 Commenti

Anni fa produssi una sessione della conferenza internazionale PCST2012, organizzata a Firenze dall’omonimo network internazionale di comunicatori della scienza, per presentare e discutere l’esperienza del Science Media Centre britannico. Oltre alla direttrice Fiona Fox, invitai Anne Glover, che era stata appena nominata Chief Scientific Adviser dell’allora Presidente della Commissione Europea, Barroso. Fabio Turone con Anne Glover, all’epoca Chief Scientific Adviser della Commissione Europea, a PCST2012 di Firenze. [... segue]

Why science journalism is more necessary than ever

2 Luglio 2020 // 0 Commenti

One year after WCSJ2019 Lausanne Ripubblichiamo qui l’articolo scritto da Olivier Dessibourg, chairman del comitato organizzatore della Conferenza Mondiale dei Giornalisti Scientifici che si è svolta esattamente un anno fa a Losanna, grazie al lavoro congiunto delle associazioni svizzera e francese dei giornalisti e di SWIM. By Olivier Dessibourg*, Chairman of the Organising Committee of the 11th World Conference of Science Journalists WCSJ2019 and former president of the Swiss Association of Science Journalism SASJ. (Photo Henry [... segue]

Switzerland, France and Italy join forces to host the 2019 World Conference

22 Agosto 2017 // 0 Commenti

The national science journalists’ associations of Switzerland, France and Italy announced their joint proposal for hosting the World Conference of Science Journalists, WCSJ, on 1 – 5 July 2019 in Lausanne, Switzerland. «Our utmost priority is to bring together professionals and students in science journalism and writing from all over the world in order to exchange ideas and skills, to build networks and hence to foster quality science journalism and collaborations on a global scale» the Presidents of SASJ, AJSPI and SWIM announce in [... segue]

A rich grant programme for investigations in Africa and Europe by the Journalism Fund

19 Maggio 2015 // 0 Commenti

The Journalism Fund launched a very interesting grant programme, called Connecting Continents, to fund the work of teams of investigative journalists from Africa and Europe. There is €100,000 to distribute, to be spread over two application calls. Applications will be screened by a separate, independent, anonymous jury of four people with ample experience in investigative journalism in Africa and Europe. The jury members are chosen by Only intercontinental journalist teams consisting of at least one Sub-Saharan African [... segue]

Crisis Reporting: the Role of Asian and European Media. Luxemburg 4-6 nov. 2015

7 Maggio 2015 // 0 Commenti

The Asia-Europe foundation invites practicing journalists from one of the 53 ASEM countries who have experience in covering environmental or public health crises and disasters to apply for the 10th ASEF Journalists’ Con “Crisis Reporting: the Role of Asian and European Media”. The Colloquium will be held from 4-6 November 2015 in Luxembourg on the sidelines of the 12th ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. Travel subsidies and other conference-related expenses will be provided. More information and submission guidelines can be [... segue]

Investigative Science Journalism Fellowships by ABSW (deadline 31 may ’15)

29 Aprile 2015 // 0 Commenti

The ABSW is now asking for bids for its first Investigative Science Journalism Fellowship, and you have till May 31 to apply. We want great ideas that involve investigating important but unknown stories from any area of science. Our aim is to seed-fund a small number of promising proposals, and to fully fund the best one to emerge from the pack. The winner will get enough money to work for three months on their idea, in a single block or part-time, plus some expenses (but no overseas travel or new computers). If applicants are in a staff job, [... segue]

La swimmer Del Bello discute di Ebola a Perugia ijf2015

21 Aprile 2015 // 0 Commenti

Ecco il video del panel coordinato dalla swimmer Lou Del Bello all’International Journalism Festival di Perugia. Ebola: beyond reporting. New ethics and practices of the media in the face of an unprecedented global crisis Over the last few months, the Ebola crisis has posed a unique set of challenges to the world and to the global media too. It has been not only an issue to cover, but a call for action for scientists, policy makers, civil society and the media alike. The Ebola outbreak is an unprecedented humanitarian emergency because [... segue]
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