Bon voyage to Jacopo Pasotti on his way to Antarctica

6 Dicembre 2011 // 1 Commento

Jacopo Pasotti during the survival course preceding the expedition to the Italian base in Antarctica Our friend Swimmer Jacopo Pasotti is on his way to the Italian base “Mario Zucchelli” in Antarctica, where he will report for National Geographic Italia about the celebrations for the 100th anniversary, on December 14th, of the conquest of the South Pole. You can follow his trip on the website of The National Geographic Italia and Le Scienze, where he is also publishing photos and videos. Bon voyage, [... segue]

Risk and bioethics at WCSJ2011 in Doha (from a European perspective)

23 Novembre 2011 // 0 Commenti

The following article, by Swim board member Daniela Ovadia, has just come out in the newsletter of EUSJA. European science journalism was represented at WCSJ 2011 in Doha also by two panelists from Italy: Fabio Turone, who produced a panel on the communication of risk, and myself, in charge of a session on bioethics. Moderated by Wilson Da Silva, editor in chief of Cosmos, the most widely read science popularisation magazine in Australia, the panel on risk offered three very diverse points of view on the issue. source: [... segue]

The Earthquake that Risks to Shake Seismology (and the media)

22 Novembre 2011 // 0 Commenti

The following article by Swimmer Nicola Nosengo has just come out in the newsletter of EUSJA. According to “Nature”, the trial that began in the Italian city of L’Aquila on September 20 will be a “watershed case”, one that will force seismologists worldwide to rethink the way they do their job, and the way science is used by policy makers. In the trial, six Italian scientists and one government official who assessed the seismic risk in the Italian region of Abruzzo before  the earthquake of April 2009 are indicted for [... segue]

The results of the MOLI-SANI study will be presented in Trieste next week

21 Novembre 2011 // 0 Commenti

Swimmer Americo Bonanni will be in Trieste at the 10th National Conference on Science Communication (X CONVEGNO NAZIONALE SULLA COMUNICAZIONE DELLA SCIENZA) to present together with Marialaura Bonaccio, from his group at the Science Communication Unit of the Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura Giovanni Paolo II in Campobasso, their work on “Mass media information and adherence to Mediterranean Diet–like eating pattern: results from the MOLI-SANI study”. The abstract is [... segue]

Scrivi di scienza? Entra in Science Writers in Italy!

16 Novembre 2011 // 0 Commenti

Ti occupi di scienza e tecnologia nei media? Vuoi avere accesso a riviste internazionali e partecipare a conferenze in Italia e all’estero? Entra in Science Writers in Italy, l’associazione aperta a giornalisti, editor e blogger che fa parte della European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations e della World Federation of Science Journalists, e opera in sinergia con l’Association of Health Care Journalists. Perché associarsi? In concreto, chi aderisce può: •      Partecipare all’attività delle [... segue]

Excellence in Epilepsy Journalism 2011: submission ends November 30th

12 Novembre 2011 // 0 Commenti

2011 Excellence in Epilepsy Journalism Award Now Open Recognising outstanding reporting on epilepsy The Excellence in Epilepsy Journalism Award is a joint initiative between the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the biopharmaceutical company UCB, which recognises journalists who have excelled in reporting on epilepsy. The 2011 award is open to journalists around the globe, who can either submit their own work or be nominated by a third party There are three categories for entries – print, online and broadcast, with one winner to be [... segue]

The winners of the Kavli Science Journalism Award 2011

9 Novembre 2011 // 0 Commenti

Stories on the use of genetic analysis to help save a boy imperiled by a devastating disease, on the potential impact of climate change in two localities, and on the secret lives of scientists and engineers are among the winners of the 2011 AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards. The awards, administered by AAAS since their inception in 1945, go to professional journalists for distinguished reporting for a general audience. The Kavli Foundation provided a generous endowment in 2009 that ensures the future of the awards program. Independent [... segue]

Falling Walls 2011: segui i tweet degli Swimmers a Berlino

9 Novembre 2011 // 0 Commenti

Alla conferenza Falling Walls 2011 di Berlino sono presenti due colleghe di Swim, che hanno approfittato del viaggio organizzato dall’EUSJA e stanno facendo la cronaca twitter dei principali avvenimenti. Valentina Murelli ha scritto un primo articolo per OggiScienza (Berlusconi e l’open access alla Falling Walls Conference), e twitta per la stessa testata web (!/OggiScienza). Per le Scienze twitta anche Daniela Ovadia (!/daniela_ovadia). Per seguire tutti i tweet, l’hashtag ufficiale [... segue]

The Association of Health Care Journalists opens the Italian Chapter

1 Novembre 2011 // 0 Commenti

Science Writers in Italy is glad to announce the establishment of the Italian Chapter of the Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ), very active in the United States since 1997. Since the two associations share the same goals, Science Writers in Italy is willing to work in close synergy with AHCJ-Italy on all issues related to health and medicine. The Steering Committee of the Italian Chapter of AHCJ is currently composed by: Amelia Beltramini Gianna Milano Daniela Ovadia Chiara Palmerini Fabio Turone Marco Boscolo You can reach [... segue]

The state of Science Journalism according to the WFSJ

21 Ottobre 2011 // 0 Commenti

The World Federation of Science Journalists has recently published in its website the report of the activities in the years 2009-2001 and several documents summarizing the very successful World Conference of Science Journalists held in Doha (Qatar) with an attendance of 800 delegates from 89 countries. World Conference of Science Journalists in Doha Report is online WFSJ 2009-2011 Report & minutes of the Doha General [... segue]
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