
Get ready for the Helsinki 2013 World Conference of Science Journalists!

28 Febbraio 2012 // 0 Commenti

We are pleased to circulate this announcement by the Finnish colleague Eeva Pitkälä, Conference Director  of the 8th World Conference of Science Journalists (WCSJ) that will take place in Helsinki from June 24 to 28, 2013. Dear colleagues, The first details of WCSJ2013 have now been revealed at a press conference in the AAAS Annual meeting. The next important WCSJ 2013 dates are Call for session proposals, open on March 1, 2012, exhibition details available by June 2012 and the early registration, that begins September 10, 2012. WCSJ 2013 [... segue]

Risk and bioethics at WCSJ2011 in Doha (from a European perspective)

23 Novembre 2011 // 0 Commenti

The following article, by Swim board member Daniela Ovadia, has just come out in the newsletter of EUSJA. European science journalism was represented at WCSJ 2011 in Doha also by two panelists from Italy: Fabio Turone, who produced a panel on the communication of risk, and myself, in charge of a session on bioethics. Moderated by Wilson Da Silva, editor in chief of Cosmos, the most widely read science popularisation magazine in Australia, the panel on risk offered three very diverse points of view on the issue. source: [... segue]

The Earthquake that Risks to Shake Seismology (and the media)

22 Novembre 2011 // 0 Commenti

The following article by Swimmer Nicola Nosengo has just come out in the newsletter of EUSJA. According to “Nature”, the trial that began in the Italian city of L’Aquila on September 20 will be a “watershed case”, one that will force seismologists worldwide to rethink the way they do their job, and the way science is used by policy makers. In the trial, six Italian scientists and one government official who assessed the seismic risk in the Italian region of Abruzzo before  the earthquake of April 2009 are indicted for [... segue]

David Ropeik’s speech at BergamoScienza

20 Ottobre 2011 // 0 Commenti

The video of the beautiful speech about risk held by David Ropeik at BergamoScienza (with a short presentation by Swim President Fabio Turone) is now available online in the Festival’s [... segue]

David Ropeik parla a BergamoScienza della percezione del rischio (Sab 1 ottobre 17:30)

26 Settembre 2011 // 0 Commenti

Sabato 1 ottobre, alle ore 17:30, il collega americano David Ropeik terrà uno speech sul tema del rischio nel corso della giornata di apertura della IX edizione del Festival BergamoScienza. La sede è il Teatro Sociale, in Via Colleoni nella città alta. È la prima collaborazione tra l’associazione Science Writers in Italy e BergamoScienza. La percezione del rischio in natura A volte siamo più spaventati da pericoli ingiustificati che da rischi evidenti. Perché la nostra percezione del rischio è così irrazionale? E questo cosa [... segue]

Quake in L’Aquila: were the experts too reassuring?

26 Settembre 2011 // 1 Commento

This interview of SWIMmer Nicola Nosengo – who wrote about the issue for “Nature” magazine –  to the Canadian radio CBC helps frame the trial that has just begun in L’Aquila against seven members of the Risk Commission, who reassured the population  just a few days before the earthquake struck, killing 309 [... segue]