
Investigative Science Journalism Fellowships by ABSW (deadline 31 may ’15)

29 Aprile 2015 // 0 Commenti

The ABSW is now asking for bids for its first Investigative Science Journalism Fellowship, and you have till May 31 to apply. We want great ideas that involve investigating important but unknown stories from any area of science. Our aim is to seed-fund a small number of promising proposals, and to fully fund the best one to emerge from the pack. The winner will get enough money to work for three months on their idea, in a single block or part-time, plus some expenses (but no overseas travel or new computers). If applicants are in a staff job, [... segue]

Falling Walls Science Fellowship for Journalists – Call for applications (deadline 31 jul. 2015)

11 Aprile 2015 // 0 Commenti

This year again the Falling Walls Foundation offers a fellowship for journalists to attend the Falling Walls Conference, the international conference on future breakthroughs in science and society, and its expanded programme on 8 and 9 November 2015 in Berlin. It is aimed at journalists and bloggers with at least three years of experience, and who hope to advance their knowledge in the area of sciences. The fellowship covers travel, accommodation and ticket costs. Further information is available online [... segue]

Fellowship per giornalisti scientifici alla Harvard Medical School (deadline 15 marzo 2013)

6 Marzo 2013 // 0 Commenti

Riceviamo come ogni anno dalla Fondazione Giovanni Armenise-Harvard: Lo stage di formazione di giornalismo scientifico alla Harvard Medical School finanziato dalla Fondazione Giovanni Armenise-Harvard in collaborazione con l’UGIS, Unione Giornalisti Italiani Scientifici, è giunto alla tredicesima edizione. I vincitori voleranno a Boston per uno stage di una settimana, dal 16 al 23 giugno [... segue]