
Investigative Science Journalism Fellowships by ABSW (deadline 31 may ’15)

29 Aprile 2015 // 0 Commenti

The ABSW is now asking for bids for its first Investigative Science Journalism Fellowship, and you have till May 31 to apply. We want great ideas that involve investigating important but unknown stories from any area of science. Our aim is to seed-fund a small number of promising proposals, and to fully fund the best one to emerge from the pack. The winner will get enough money to work for three months on their idea, in a single block or part-time, plus some expenses (but no overseas travel or new computers). If applicants are in a staff job, [... segue]

Our goals / Le finalità dell’associazione

14 Maggio 2010 // 0 Commenti

The main goals of the association are: – to promote the circulation of accurate information about science and technology in society, through all media directed to the general public and the scientific community – to promote the analysis of the scientific enterprise and of its meaning for society in accordance to the highest journalistic standards –  to provide its members with services and tools useful for improving their work – to stimulate the professional growth through courses and other initiatives for continuing [... segue]