Nadia El-Awady

Giornalisti scientifici non sudditi delle fonti

3 Novembre 2011 // 0 Commenti

IL RESOCONTO DELLA NOSTRA INVIATA AL 7° CONGRESSO MONDIALE DI DOHA, IN QATAR Nutrita la presenza di italiani, tra cui cinque colleghi lombardi che hanno vinto una borsa di studio del nostro Ordine. Il prossimo appuntamento sarà, nel 2013, a Helsinki di Daniela Ovadia (Da Tabloid, periodico dell’Ordine dei Giornalisti della Lombardia, n 4-2011) Oltre 720 partecipanti di 91 diverse nazionalità, per la metà provenienti da Paesi in via di sviluppo: è questo il bilancio conclusivo del 7° congresso mondiale dei giornalisti scientifici, [... segue]

È ora completo il board della Federazione Mondiale dei Giornalisti Scientifici

30 Aprile 2011 // 0 Commenti

After much suspense and two ties, the WFSJ has a new board. The board, which will be ratified at the World Conference of Science Journalists 2011 in Doha this coming June, will be formed of new incoming board members Kathryn O’Hara (Canada), Lucy Calderon (Guatemala), Pallava Bagla (India), and continuing board members Christophe Mvondo (Cameroon), Nadia El-Awady (Egypt), and Natasha Mitchell (Australia). The WFSJ president will be elected once bidding for the World Conference of Science Journalists 2013 is done. Con la scelta del candidato [... segue]

Nadia El-Awady: «Join us in Doha»

5 Aprile 2011 // 0 Commenti

We want to spread as much as possible this letter from Nadia El-Awady, President of the World Federation of Science Journalists, so we ask you to diffuse it to any professional who you think might be interested in attending the World Conference of Science Journalists taking place in Doha (Qatar) next [... segue]

WCSJ2011 Moves to Doha, Qatar June 27 to 29, 2011

3 Marzo 2011 // 0 Commenti

Here is the official statement by our friend Nadia El-Awady about the decision of moving the World Conference of Science Journalists from Cairo to Doha, published on the website of the WFSJ Cairo has been witness to very exciting times in the past few weeks and Egypt has now started the inspiring but demanding process of birthing a new democracy. This will take time and a lot of vigilance and hard work on the part of the Egyptian people. Doha, Qatar The organizers of the World Conference of Science Journalists 2011 had to come to the very [... segue]

From the WFSJ: Statement on the Cairo 2011 Conference

3 Febbraio 2011 // 0 Commenti

The board of Science Writers in Italy totally agrees with the statements published yesterday by the World Federation of Science Journalists: The Board of the World Federation of Science Journalists applauds the steps taken by their Arab colleagues towards democracy and expresses its full confidence that they will succeed and that on the 27th June 2011, the opening day of the 7th World Conference of Science Journalists in Cairo, hundreds of colleagues from all over the world will join them to celebrate greater freedom in the region. Please, [... segue]

Turone and Ovadia in the program of WCSJ Cairo 2011

8 Luglio 2010 // 1 Commento

The preliminary program of the VII World Congress of Science Journalists that will take place in 2011 in Cairo, Egypt, from June 27 to 29, was published in the conference website. SWIM-SWITY board member Daniela Ovadia and president Fabio Turone will produce a session on bioethics and on risk, respectively. In the next couple of months the program will be enriched and better defined, so anyone willing to propose a talk or a panel is invited to contact directly the Co-Directors of WCSJ2011 Nadia El-Awady (nadia.elawady (at) wcsj2011.org) and [... segue]