
Aperta la call per il programma scientifico della conferenza di Losanna 2019

17 Febbraio 2018 // 0 Commenti

La prossima Conferenza Mondiale dei giornalisti scientifici, organizzata in collaborazione tra le tre associazioni professionali di Svizzera (SASJ), Francia (AJSPI) e Italia (SWIM), ha già mosso i primi passi importanti in queste prime settimane del 2018. Dopo il kick-off meeting tenuto a Losanna alla fine di gennaio, con la partecipazione degli swimmer Jacopo Pasotti (responsabile del programma di public outreach) e Fabio Turone (responsabile della comunicazione e membro del governing board), sono stati rapidamente completati i ranghi [... segue]

La storia di Stronzo Bestiale: il “dietro le quinte” da Parolacce.org a “Science”

18 Ottobre 2014 // 0 Commenti

Abbiamo chiesto allo Swimmer Vito Tartamella di raccontare il “caso” di Stronzo Bestiale, di cui nei giorni scorsi ha parlato nel suo blog finendo per essere citato in tutto il mondo da numerosi siti, da Retraction Watch a Science. di Vito Tartamella Tutto è nato per caso, parlando con Sandro Boeri, mio ex direttore a Focus. Conoscendo i miei studi sul turpiloquio, Sandro mi ha ricordato un caso di cui lui aveva scritto più di 20 anni fa su “Panorama”: un paper scientifico firmato da tale Stronzo Bestiale. Quando me [... segue]

Get ready for the Helsinki 2013 World Conference of Science Journalists!

28 Febbraio 2012 // 0 Commenti

We are pleased to circulate this announcement by the Finnish colleague Eeva Pitkälä, Conference Director  of the 8th World Conference of Science Journalists (WCSJ) that will take place in Helsinki from June 24 to 28, 2013. Dear colleagues, The first details of WCSJ2013 have now been revealed at a press conference in the AAAS Annual meeting. The next important WCSJ 2013 dates are Call for session proposals, open on March 1, 2012, exhibition details available by June 2012 and the early registration, that begins September 10, 2012. WCSJ 2013 [... segue]

«Know thyself, science writer»: a new online survey about world science journalism

22 Gennaio 2012 // 0 Commenti

«Know thyself, science writer»: in a time of crisis that is bringing deep changes in the media landscape and according to many is putting science journalism “under threat”, the association “Science Writers in Italy” just launched an online survey asking science journalists from all over the world – and especially from Europe – to dedicate a few minutes of their busy time to help sketch the profession as they live [... segue]

The Earthquake that Risks to Shake Seismology (and the media)

22 Novembre 2011 // 0 Commenti

The following article by Swimmer Nicola Nosengo has just come out in the newsletter of EUSJA. According to “Nature”, the trial that began in the Italian city of L’Aquila on September 20 will be a “watershed case”, one that will force seismologists worldwide to rethink the way they do their job, and the way science is used by policy makers. In the trial, six Italian scientists and one government official who assessed the seismic risk in the Italian region of Abruzzo before  the earthquake of April 2009 are indicted for [... segue]

Apply for a scholarship to the 2012 Kavli Award ceremony in Oslo

7 Luglio 2011 // 2 Commenti

From the website of the World Federation of Science Journalists: The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters offers scholarships to cover 2012 awards in Oslo June 26, 2011 posted in Competitions There’s a door opening wide into astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience, and science journalists can apply for front-row seats to cover a landmark event honouring researchers in these fields. The door is in Oslo, Norway, but it’s open for applications from science reporters anywhere – from Chile to China and all points in between. The $1 [... segue]

Nadia El-Awady: «Join us in Doha»

5 Aprile 2011 // 0 Commenti

We want to spread as much as possible this letter from Nadia El-Awady, President of the World Federation of Science Journalists, so we ask you to diffuse it to any professional who you think might be interested in attending the World Conference of Science Journalists taking place in Doha (Qatar) next [... segue]
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