science writing

Scrivi di scienza? Vieni al nostro Swink a bere un goccio!

3 Marzo 2011 // 2 Commenti

L’associazione ha deciso di indire a cadenza mensile un aperitivo per gli iscritti, amici, simpatizzanti e semplici curiosi in un accogliente locale in centro a Milano, il Tombon de San Marc, in Via San Marco 20 (zona Brera). Una elaborata consultazione online ha portato a battezzare questo incontro con l’originale nome Swink, con un ardito gioco di parole che evoca l’aperitivo e l’inchiostro, il link e l’occhiolino con una spruzzatina di science writing. Chiunque sia interessato a conoscerci e voglia scambiare [... segue]

Apply for the Armenise-Harvard Fellowship for Young Science Journalists 2011

19 Gennaio 2011 // 0 Commenti

Riceviamo e volentieri diffondiamo:   Si riparte per Boston! Undicesima edizione borse di studio Armenise-Harvard/UGIS per giovani giornalisti scientifici italiani Milano-Boston,  19 gennaio 2011. Una buona notizia per l’anno nuovo: ritorna l’atteso appuntamento per la formazione di giornalismo scientifico presso la Harvard Medical School. Il programma, finanziato dalla Fondazione Giovanni Armenise-Harvard in collaborazione con l’UGIS, Unione Giornalisti Italiani Scientifici, consiste in uno stage di una settimana a Boston (dal 20 [... segue]

Need a scholarship to attend WCSJ 2011 in Cairo?

17 Gennaio 2011 // 0 Commenti

The organizers of the World Conference of Science Journalists that will be held in Cairo at the end of next June have just published the registration fees, as follows: Registration will open before the end of January, but you can already see the list of hotels that are offering special rates for WCSJ2011 participants. In the conference website, you can also find info about the scholarship program, that will give priority to developing world science journalists.   [... segue]

NASW announces its 2010 Science in Society Awards

13 Dicembre 2010 // 0 Commenti

The US National Association of Science Writers (NASW) established the science in society awards to provide recognition—without subsidy from any professional or commercial interest—for investigative or interpretive reporting about the sciences and their impact on society. NASW especially encourages entries of critical, probing pieces that would not receive an award from an interest group. Beginning with the first award in 1972, previous winners have demonstrated innovative reporting that goes well beyond the science itself and into the [... segue]

Pedrocchi and Romeo debate about the future of scientific information in Italy

19 Novembre 2010 // 0 Commenti

Several Swim members will take part Wednesday, 24 November 2010 in the “WORKSHOP ON SCIENCE JOURNALISM AND POWER IN 21st CENTURY” organised in Trieste by Nico Pitrelli and the group Innovation in Science Communication at the SISSA/ISAS – see http://www.mappetrieste.it/cms/workshop/programme. In particular, Swim members Federico Pedrocchi and Guido Romeo will be in the panel charged of forecasting our profession’s future. 16.15-17.30 • The future of scientific information in Italy (only in italian) Questions on the [... segue]

Italian Science Writers unite to promote a new vision of their profession in Italy

2 Luglio 2010 // 4 Commenti

In addition to the usual role as a guide and a “catalyzer” for professionals often working alone, the Association SWIM-SWITY plans to conduct research on science and science writing, in partnership with colleagues and academic institutions in Italy and abroad Turin (ESOF 2010) – A new Association of Science Writers was launched in the beginning of 2010 in Milan with the goal of becoming a reference for all professionals interested in promoting cooperation and debate within the professional community and with the scientific community – [... segue]

Science Writers in Italy

15 Maggio 2010 // 0 Commenti

Our newly founded association of science writers based in Milan, Italy, welcomes new members. The website is in the making, but we already have many activities up and running: if you want to know more, please contact us at info  (@) sciencewriters.it La nostra associazione di science writers da poco costituita a Milano accoglie con piacere nuovi aderenti. Il sito è in costruzione, ma abbiamo numerose attività già in corso: se vuoi saperne di più, contattaci all’indirizzo e-mail qui [... segue]

Our goals / Le finalità dell’associazione

14 Maggio 2010 // 0 Commenti

The main goals of the association are: – to promote the circulation of accurate information about science and technology in society, through all media directed to the general public and the scientific community – to promote the analysis of the scientific enterprise and of its meaning for society in accordance to the highest journalistic standards –  to provide its members with services and tools useful for improving their work – to stimulate the professional growth through courses and other initiatives for continuing [... segue]