World Federation of Science Journalists

La disinformazione scientifica, e le colpe dell’Ordine dei giornalisti

22 Dicembre 2020 // 0 Commenti

Anni fa produssi una sessione della conferenza internazionale PCST2012, organizzata a Firenze dall’omonimo network internazionale di comunicatori della scienza, per presentare e discutere l’esperienza del Science Media Centre britannico. Oltre alla direttrice Fiona Fox, invitai Anne Glover, che era stata appena nominata Chief Scientific Adviser dell’allora Presidente della Commissione Europea, Barroso. Fabio Turone con Anne Glover, all’epoca Chief Scientific Adviser della Commissione Europea, a PCST2012 di Firenze. [... segue]

Switzerland, France and Italy join forces to host the 2019 World Conference

22 Agosto 2017 // 0 Commenti

The national science journalists’ associations of Switzerland, France and Italy announced their joint proposal for hosting the World Conference of Science Journalists, WCSJ, on 1 – 5 July 2019 in Lausanne, Switzerland. «Our utmost priority is to bring together professionals and students in science journalism and writing from all over the world in order to exchange ideas and skills, to build networks and hence to foster quality science journalism and collaborations on a global scale» the Presidents of SASJ, AJSPI and SWIM announce in [... segue]

Una swimmer a Parigi nella bufera dell’epatite C

1 Giugno 2015 // 0 Commenti

Quando la World Federation of Science Journalists mi ha chiesto di segnalare colleghi esperti e competenti per un nuovo progetto che intende creare materiali per aiutare i giornalisti  scientifici di tutto il mondo a scrivere con competenza e rigore di epatite C ho fatto un paio di nomi, tra cui quello di Roberta Villa – che conosco da oltre vent’anni e di cui conosco bene la sensibilità nei confronti del marketing travestito da campagna di utilità sociale – che è quindi stata invitata a partecipare al gruppo di lavoro [... segue]

Happy 10th Anniversary to the World Federation of Science Journalists

28 Novembre 2012 // 0 Commenti

Ten years ago, in Sao José dos Campos, Brazil, the World Federation of Science Journalists was created and Canadian Véronique Morin was elected its first president. Another ten years earlier, the First World Conference of Science Journalists was held in Tokyo, Japan. In a series of articles written by some key actors, Véronique Morin remembers the discussions in Brazil that led to WFSJ’s birth; Mariko Takahashi, who was also in Sao José dos Campos, shares her souvenirs about the first World Conference; Arthur Bourne, who masterminded the [... segue]

Get ready for the Helsinki 2013 World Conference of Science Journalists!

28 Febbraio 2012 // 0 Commenti

We are pleased to circulate this announcement by the Finnish colleague Eeva Pitkälä, Conference Director  of the 8th World Conference of Science Journalists (WCSJ) that will take place in Helsinki from June 24 to 28, 2013. Dear colleagues, The first details of WCSJ2013 have now been revealed at a press conference in the AAAS Annual meeting. The next important WCSJ 2013 dates are Call for session proposals, open on March 1, 2012, exhibition details available by June 2012 and the early registration, that begins September 10, 2012. WCSJ 2013 [... segue]

The state of Science Journalism according to the WFSJ

21 Ottobre 2011 // 0 Commenti

The World Federation of Science Journalists has recently published in its website the report of the activities in the years 2009-2001 and several documents summarizing the very successful World Conference of Science Journalists held in Doha (Qatar) with an attendance of 800 delegates from 89 countries. World Conference of Science Journalists in Doha Report is online WFSJ 2009-2011 Report & minutes of the Doha General [... segue]

Apply for a scholarship to the 2012 Kavli Award ceremony in Oslo

7 Luglio 2011 // 2 Commenti

From the website of the World Federation of Science Journalists: The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters offers scholarships to cover 2012 awards in Oslo June 26, 2011 posted in Competitions There’s a door opening wide into astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience, and science journalists can apply for front-row seats to cover a landmark event honouring researchers in these fields. The door is in Oslo, Norway, but it’s open for applications from science reporters anywhere – from Chile to China and all points in between. The $1 [... segue]

WCSJ 2011: Qualche immagine da Doha

29 Giugno 2011 // 0 Commenti

Mentre il congresso mondiale dei giornalisti scientifici è ancora in corso a Doha, ecco alcune immagini del folto gruppo di giornalisti italiani (in grandissima parte “Swimmers”), con un saluto affettuoso alla collega e amica Gianna Milano che all’ultimo momento ha dovuto rinunciare a venire. (Grazie a Nicla Panciera per le foto) Una parte della rappresentanza italiana. Da sinistra verso destra, in prima fila: Chiara Albicocco, Giovanni Spataro, Valentina Murelli e Amelia Beltramini La discussione sulla bioetica, con Daniela [... segue]

Investigative science journalism, ethics and new technologies in the future of the WFSJ

3 Maggio 2011 // 0 Commenti

Investigative science journalism, journalistic ethics, new technologies, linguistic diversity and connections between regions: these are the five points that the newly elected members of the board proposed to put on top of the agenda of the World Federation of Science Journalists. Michele Catanzaro analyses their practical proposals on the website of the Catalan Association of Science Communicators: What do the WFSJ board new members [... segue]
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